Refund Policy

For Cash on Delivery (COD) Orders

We’re here to make returning your order simple and hassle-free. Here’s how the process works:

  1. Return Pickup: If you need to return your COD order, our shipping partner will come to collect it from you.

  2. Send Your Bank Details: After the pickup, please email your bank account information (Account Number, Bank Name, and IFSC Code) to us at Rest assured, your information is kept secure and private.

  3. Quick Refunds: Once we receive the returned product at our warehouse and complete our quality checks, we’ll process your refund within 3-5 working days.

  4. Stay Informed: We’ll send you tracking details for your return so you can see exactly when your product arrives at our warehouse.

Your Privacy Matters

We prioritize your privacy and handle all your information securely.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at We’re here to help!

For Prepaid Orders

If you paid using a credit card, debit card, net banking, or wallet, we’ll refund the amount to the original payment method within 7-10 days of your cancellation or return.

Quick Refunds

Once we receive the returned product at our warehouse and complete our quality checks, we’ll process your refund within 3-5 working days.

Stay Informed

We’ll send you tracking details for your return so you can see exactly when your product arrives at our warehouse.

Order Cancellation Refund

If you cancel your order before it’s shipped:

  • For COD orders: No refund is needed since no payment was made.
  • For prepaid orders: We’ll process your refund to the source account within 7-10 days.